• Use our booking App on your phone to book in for classes OR book via the website through the BOOK A CLASS tab on your computer – it’s super easy! Please make sure we have your correct email address or the App will not work for you.
  • Download and open the App GymMaster Member
  • Put in your email address (the one you gave to us at the gym) and hit send login details
  • You will receive an email from Crunch with a link to reset your password
  • Look at the class schedule, pick your class and hit ‘Book Now’ and you will be told ‘Class Booked Successfully’. 10 people can be waitlisted and you will be notified via text if you have moved up the list into a confirmed spot.
  • If you can’t make the class, don’t forget to CANCEL YOUR SPOT so that others on the waitlist can be notified. To see your class bookings, go to the menu and choose ‘Bookings’, click on your booked class and ‘Cancel Booking’.
  • Creche open in Mon to Sat (mornings only)   10 children max per 1.5 hour booking, via the App.

Book your class to make sure you have a confirmed spot. Members love the Booking App – it makes them more organised and accountable.

Here’s a glimpse of what to expect when you visit Crunch

  • On arrival at Crunch, swipe your membership card to register your visit.
  • Lockers are be available, so please take as few items as possible into the gym with you.
  • We ask you to wash your hands before coming to the gym and request that you sanitise them on arrival.
  • All members must wipe down any equipment before and after use. Disinfectant spray bottles and wipes are readily available.
  • Please bring a water bottle, a large towel to place on all equipment and an exercise mat for yoga and Pilates.


  • If you are feeling unwell, even with mild cold symptoms, please stay at home until you are symptom free and feeling well again.


  • Members must sanitise all equipment before and after use. Sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes are readily available for your use.
  • Our priority is to keep our members and community safe and well.  We appreciate how important your gym is to your physical and mental well-being and we recognize the incredible effort that our members and staff go to each day to make Crunch a healthy & safe environment. Thank you for your ongoing support & loyalty.Team Crunch